OSHA didn’t speed decline in workplace deaths Types: Descriptive Statistic Voter turnout lower where media is unfree Types: Correlation Poverty declined until “war on poverty” Types: Descriptive Statistic Startups rarest where corporate taxes highest Types: Correlation Alcohol consumption barely fell during Prohibition Types: Descriptive Statistic USPS posts massive annual losses Types: Descriptive Statistic Money supply growth accompanied by hyperinflation in Zimbabwe Types: Correlation Land-use restrictions & expensive housing go hand-in-hand Types: Correlation Least free countries have negative growth rates Types: Correlation Poorer counties award more to plaintiffs Types: Correlation Printing money tends to generate price inflation Types: Correlation Aid associated with slowing African growth rates Types: Correlation Gov spending didn’t boost test scores Types: Correlation Citizens know least where media is unfree Types: Correlation Deforestation more common in least free countries Types: Correlation Unemployment highest in least free metro-areas Types: Correlation Poverty level unchanged despite increased welfare spending Types: Descriptive Statistic During Prohibition, Americans drank harder liquors Types: Descriptive Statistic “Ban-the-Box” harms Hispanic employment Types: Causal Design Corruption higher where disaster relief higher Types: Correlation “Ban-the-box” harms black employment Types: Causal Design Teen employment lowest where minimum wage highest Types: Correlation Less tolerance in economically unfree countries Types: Correlation Red-tape correlated with corruption Types: Correlation Investment lowest where corporate taxes highest Types: Correlation Genocides deadlier than wars Types: Descriptive Statistic Citizens less willing to demonstrate where media is unfree Types: Correlation GDP Growth Rate Lower Where Gov Receipts Higher Types: Correlation Homicides spiked during Prohibition Types: Descriptive Statistic